Quakers in Britain is the official website of Britain Yearly Meeting, the Quaker body for Britain

There are other Quaker meetings in Hertfordshire - this website is for the Hertford and Hitchin Area Quakers, which mostly covers North and East Hertfordshire, and our meetings are listed in the column on the left.  Other Meetings in West and South West Hertfordshire are in the Luton and Leighton Area Meeting.  Other neighbouring Area Meetings include Cambridgeshire, North London, and Thaxted

Learning about Quakers and Quakerism:
Woodbrooke provides opportunities for on-line courses, and also connection and worship rooted in the Quaker tradition and open to all
There also residential centres which have a mix of B&B and other lets, courses, and events:
- Claridge House in Surrey
- Glenthorne in Grasmere, Cumbria
- Swarthmore Hall in Ulverstone, Cumbria

International links:
Worlwide, the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is the Quaker coordinating body - this has sections for areas of the world, such as the Europe and Middle East Section
Other international links include:
  - Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) and its blog
  - Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)